Sunday, April 10, 2011

Introduction to Peer Counseling Seminar Workshop

Date:                    November 21-22, 2009


·         To introduce peer counseling concept to persons with disabilities in Opol, New Lucena, Iloilo

·         To improve the self-confidence of persons with disabilities

·         To help persons with disabilities in their liberation

Venue:                  Punta Villa Resort, Iloilo

Outcome:              Participants from this workshop are mostly shy and showing lack of self-confidence. Towards the end of the workshop, it is very apparent that the participants gain some confidence and able to participate more in the group. The workshop also helps them build their friendship as a group.

Evaluation:           One of the leading groups in Iloilo (ADPI) has their own concept on peer counseling. At the beginning, it is difficult to combine the IL peer counseling and their existing practices. Fortunately, the workshop did not only made wonders to the participants of the workshop, but even the team from ADPI was influenced by the content of the workshop presented in the perspective of IL. The workshop opens another opportunity to expand in the province of Iloilo.

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